Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Buses, Bedbugs, Boats, and Twisters, OH MY!

The trip to the coast was great. There were so many fantastic things to see and do! We ook a night bus from Medellin to Cartagena and arrived at about 12:00 pm. Took a death-defying taxi ride through the bustling downtown area where we watched a man crossing the street (not quite quickly enough) get hit by a car. Luckily after a few shakes of the head, he brushed himself off, stood up, and continued on his way. Welcome to Cartagena! Checked into our hostel...with a name like North Star, we thought it'd be great, but were met with bedbugs and not so discreet drug use...neither of which I was excited about. Dropped off our things and began to explore one of the oldest cities in Colombia. Located on the Caribbean, it consists of "the Old City," a colonial neighborhood surrounded by a great wall, and a variety of newer neighborhoods--quite the diversity. It was fun to walk through the Old City and get a feel for what it might have been like hundreds of years ago. We hit the city at sunset and everything took on an orange glow. It was more expensive than Medellin and is a bit of a tourist destination. From talking with the cabbies, it seems as though it has avoided many of the issues other Colombian cities have faced over the past 25 years. We hit the town for some nightlife and woke up early the next day for a boat trip to Islas del Rosario, islands right off the coast. Boat trip was came with loud music, a fairly annoying man with a microphone (never a good combo), and silly games to try and entertain us for the 3 hour trip to the first island. It was nice to be on the water, but I would do it differently next time!

The next day, we headed off for Santa Marta, with a short detour to Volcan de Lodo El Totumo, a mud volcano. Hopped on a bus, got off at some little town, hiked a mile down the highway, and ended up getting massaged in a warm mud bath by some local hombres. Good times were had by all! We played trains, planes, and automobiles (except only on buses) and finally arrived in Santa Marta around midnight.

People had raved about the beauty of Santa Marta, but I was a little less than impressed. Our hostel was lovely, although the ladies of the night and various riff-raff surrounding it were not. I knew we were in for a good time when I saw a man combing his hair with a plastic fork and a lady pulling a "Super Bowl Janet Jackson" wardrobe malfunction at the bus stop. Had a late dinner of french fries (the vegetarian thing is a little difficult on the coast) and called it a night.
The next day we spent on the beach, occasionally being solicited for messages, Aguila (local beer), and necklaces. Decided to take a paddle boat on the water to head for Playa Blanca, another "nicer" beach. We made it there okay, but on the way back hit a bit of weather...El Tornado, the locals called it. Let's just say that being far away from shore in a paddle boat when a tornado drops down out of the sky is a little scary! However, it maintained it's distance and turned into a really cool photo op! By the end of the day we were ready to get back to nature and discover Parque Tayrona...

To be continued...

Friday, October 3, 2008

Last Minute Thoughts

Well, tonight I am off to Cartagena for a week of sun and sand! October Break in schools is a fantastic idea. We are taking a bus tonight to the city. It is a 10-12 hour ride, so should be really interesting. After spending a few days in Cartagena, we are heading off to Santa Marta and then to Parque Tayrona, a national park in Colombia that is supposed to be paradise. I am excited to get out of Medellin--the coastal cities will be a welcome break from the pollution and rain that is here. Planning on getting a new camera before we leave tonight, so when I get back I'll put up some pics of the trip!

On the American front, I tried to watch the debate last night, but couldn't get a good connection over the 'net, so eventually gave up. I'm going to try and find it on the internet so I can see what the VP's are like. I am envious of you all in the States during this time. What an exciting political atmosphere! While I know it is biased, I still wanted to post a link to The New Yorker magazines website. The editors have written a piece endorsing Obama for Pres and I think that it is so eloquently written and thoughtful. Even if you don't swing in the way of the democrats, I would suggest reading it!

The magazine received so much slack for it's earlier portrayal of Obama, but they have definitely shown their informed support with this article.

That's all for now! I won't be "with computer" for the next 10 days or so, but will post as soon as I can!

Happy October!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

This is a picture...

Originally uploaded by andymendrop
from the waterfall hike we went on. I thought it was cool. I'm with my friend Christina.
I don't know if those of you reading this know, but my mom is awesome. I am 27 years old, have been living on my own for a few years now, have a job, and am thousands of miles away, but I still find myself counting on her to do really great things for me and she always does, so I want to dedicate a little time to thanking her for being so "super-bien" as the Colombians would say. Since I've been here she has:
  • Sold my car
  • Organized my bills
  • Sent me loving letters
  • Helped my credit
  • Listened to me
  • Helped me contact old friends
  • Shown me that she loves me!
...And all of this from thousands of miles away! UNBELIEVABLE!!! So, because I can't, if you see my mom, give her a big hug for me and tell her you love her. I know there are a lot of you out there!

So it was a nice night in Medellin tonight. Took a walk with a friend, stopped at the store, bought some Mozorella cheese that tastes like plastic, and strolled home down Avenida Poblado. Rush hour comes late here-between 6:30-7:30, so it's a nice time to go walk around. You can watch the people get on and off the colorful busses, sit on a bench and watch students and workers heading home, and gasp at the near accidents that take place between the Taxis and motos. It was beautiful tonight. Rained a bit when coming home from school, but then cleared off and felt like a spring night with a summer breeze. I am so happy that after so many days of rain the sun is poking his head out for a bit.

Have big plans for the upcoming weeks. Going to a wind and cheese party this Friday and heading to a finca--house in the mountains--this weekend. There is a holiday this weekend and I'm not super sure, but I think it is like Valentine's Day. Have a week of work, then going to another wine and cheese party in Santa Fe Antioquia, a town (south?) near Medellin. It is supposed to be quite a bit warmer there and we're staying again at a Finca. And the next weekend begins our Fall Break. Some friends and I are going to Cartagena, Santa Marta, and Parque Tayrona for some serious beach and camping time. It is supposed to be paradise. All cities on the Carribean coast with wonderful weather, scenery, and people. I can hardly wait. I am going to try REALLY hard to replace my camera before I go so I can try and capture what everyone is raving about on film. We have 10 days off to bum around, so I'm really excited to play tourist. We're staying on hostels and hammoks for the journey, so should be eventful if nothing else. Anyway, that's the news for now. I have put off grading paper for too long, so I'll get on it!

Hope all is well in the States and I send my love!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Mountain Sunshine!

So, riding down the mountain today after school was joyous! The sun was shining in visible streams on the city, lighting up certain areas like they were on stage...gorgeous. As soon as I get a camera (mine was stolen...did I mention that?), I will post some pics.

School: The students here are slowly learning their way about the classroom. Compared with my last group, they are WAY less independent. I say every day, "I get paid to be your teacher, not your maid." They are learning to put away what they have gotten out, keep their areas clean, and stay organized. Today, they did magnificently! WOOHOO!

This week is the International Festival of Jazz and World Music here in Medellin. We were able to get free tickets to shows last night and tonight. The band last night was incredible, with some members from New York, so that was cool. Tonight we're going again and I have the feeling it's going to be just as good. The vibrancy of the city is really evident in the live music and seeing a crowd full of people in a teatro awaiting a jazz concert is a great feeling!

The weekend will be busy...there's a guy from school in a hiphop band, so am going to his concert. It's a battle of the bands, so will be a good dose of that type of music. I like the Colombian typical stuff, but a break from it will be welcomed by my ears.

That's it for now!
Have a good rest of the's almost half over...and enjoy the weekend!


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Un Mes

So I have a month in Colombia, and each day I am still impressed with the kindness and beauty of the place. I have gotten a little slack from people for not keeping up with my blog, but time has gone by so fast and I continue to be super-busy. So, in keeping with my favorite writing style, I'm going to write in bullet points. It's easier for me and I don't have to worry about organizing my thoughts. After all, I'm still teaching and after a day at work the last thing I want to do is think....SO, here it goes:
1. My apartment: I like it! It's not as gorgeous as some of the others I have seen, but the location is great. It's close to the metro and to the nightlife district. It's also near a hospital, so although I have to listen to sirens, all the cabbies know where it is, which makes getting home at night from the nightlife district WAY easier because...
2. No one uses the street numbers here. You say the building name and what it's close to and then give directions when you finally recognize some landmarks. Make it a little difficult to get to new places, but the city isn't terribly big, so it's OK.
3. Traffic is CRAZY!! It's a dangerous mixture of pedestrians, motos, cars, buses, and taxis...each holding tight to the idea that traffic signs and regulations are merely be followed on a rare basis. Makes crossing the street a little difficult and maybe it's just me, but I swear that there is a sense of urgency and fear on the dark faces of the stick figures on the Pedetrian Crossing signs. They also look like they're running....
4. My school is beautiful. The campus is secluded in the mountains and a small army of folks keep it looking cared for and loved. It is chilly, rains A LOT, and is lovely. Whenever it rains (daily) you can count on losing power, but everyone is so used to it that it's rarely mentioned. I take a bus to and from school. It's about a 45 minute trek when you factor in the stops to pick the teachers up, but that's nice because it gives you time to talk with a friend or plan the day or just stare out the window at the blanket of white fog that covers the city.
5. My students are very smart, but definitely ESL. They are curious, friendly, and active...the best kind of students you could ask for. They talk a lot, but it's not to be malicious or disrespectful, it's just the culture. The parents are nice, informed, and do the best they know how...just like any other parent I've met.
6. Okay, so I live in El Poblado, which is the Beverly Hills of Medellin. There is a lot of money here and the women spend it on...BOOBS! I read about the enthusiasm for plastic surgery, but holy cow! Tiny little women with not so tiny additions. It is impossible not to stare, but I figure if you get something like that put on your body, you must want those oggles....
7. The food is okay. I've had some really good meals and it's supercheap to eat out, but for the most part, it's your standard fare: beans, rice, plantains, avocado, soup...still hanging with the vegetarian thing and as I meat (heh heh heh) more people, I am learning where I can find the ever-elusive Tofu Dogs. I have lost a bit of weight, but am looking good in my new pair of supertight Colombian jeans.
8. The use of "super." It's a favorite add on here to a variety of adjectives. Some following uses:
"La comida es SUPER rico!" The food is really good.
"Hoy para me fue SUPER bien!" For me, today went really well.
I like to use it.
9. Some things are really cheap: services (manicures, taxis, maids, dining out) and others are about the same (house stuff, food, toiletries, clothes). I think I like it...
10. My spanish is coming along. Sometimes I can really spew out some serious language, and other times I can't remember how to ask what someone's name is. I am understanding more and can get where I need to go. It's harder than I expected because I am not using it as much as I thought I would. All day is English, hanging out with friends is English, and it's very difficult to have a conversation at the bars and clubs in Spanish. So I continue to work at it...

So, I think that's all for now. Life is good. Colombians are happy. I am safe and content.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

First Night

So, I'm here! Awfully tired. It's been a long past couple of days, but also incredible. Not going to write much, but I wanted to post a few pics of the night time view from my balcony. It's definitely urban living and totally breathtaking in that way! I've also included a pic of the group of teachers I met in Miami.

The view out I

The view, looking down 7 floors

The Columbus School Foreign Hires for 2008-2009

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Going, going, gone...

So I've been packing this week. Had a whirlwind trip to Cali to see some family. I don't see them as much as I'd like, but whenever I'm there I always have a fantastic time.
Anyway, came back and have been busy trying to get my life in order to leave. I am so mentally apartment is not. I have too much stuff. I have too many clothes. I have too much dust. I am trying to purge as much as possible. After all, I won't be back for 2 years and know that I will not want to dig out old stuff from the attic to decorate with, wear, etc. So I have 2 piles of things that are exponentially increasing in size: Trash and Good Will. It's a good feeling.I was totally stressed yesterday trying to get things together, didn't sleep (AGAIN!), but feel tired tonight, so hopefully will get a good night's sleep. I NEVER have trouble sleeping and was complaining to a friend about it...I have had trouble sleeping all summer. She reminded me that it could possibly be that I was a llittle preoccupied about a major life change like, oh, I don't know, MOVING TO ANOTHER COUNTRY?!?!? She's right, but it doesn't make not sleeping any easier. This is how it makes me feel...So, after I finish this blog I'm turning it in. Hopefully I'll wake up early tomorrow morning. I love doing much better than falling asleep at 5-6 and waking up at 11. The day seems over before it begins. Have been importing all of my CDs to my iTunes to cut down on lugging them all the way to South America. I have so much good music that I rarely listen to...The process is prompting me to listen to those old CDs that sit in the back of the case. Fantastic stuff.

So, tomorrow, saturday, sunday, and then i'm gone.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Mi visa de la Republica de Colombia

Yes, I finally have my visa!! It makes me feel as though everything is official. Made a weekend out of the required trip to Chicago and stopped in Iowa to see some college friends. Everyone is in various states of "goodness." It was fun to see new homes, new men, old men, new bars, old personalities, etc. Got to see a friend in the hospital and she's still working through some things, so if you're reading this, please send out some good healing energy up to Iowa for her. Spent Sunday night in Chicago at a hotel right off Michigan. Didn't want to deal with traffic for my 9 AM appointment on Monday, so it was nice to be able to walk to the consulate in the morning.

Getting the visa was a bit of an experience for me. I am told that I will need to get used to the Latin way of doing things, and I think the trip to the consulate was definitely a reflection of that. The lady on the phone scheduled an appointment with me for 9 AM on Monday. When I got there at 8:55 (punctuality!!!) I was accompanied by 20 other people who had evidently been to be there at 9 AM on Monday, too...SO, we signed in and I began to fill out the forms they gave me. BUT, they were all in Spanish. Luckily the people waiting with me were friendly, encouraging, helpful, and bilingual! They helped me out big time and if they are a reflection of the Colombian people, I will be in good hands.

Finally around 11, after bugging the lady behind the glass, I was taking back into the office of the head lady, who, after a quick glance at all my paperwork that I had spent MONTHS diligently copying, labeling, organizing, asked me how long I would be staying in Colombia, typed it into her computer, and printed off my Visa. She stuck it in my passport, Elmer's glued my picture on top, and handed my passport back to me with a smile and "Congratulations, you have been approved for a Colombian Visa." That was it! Easy and painless, besides the 2 hour wait.

So, it's official. I can work in Colombia! Less than 2 weeks to go...and I am SOOOO ready!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Discover Medellin

So this is a website that gives a good overview of Medellin, Colombia, where I'll be moving in a few weeks. Makes me excited...

And this is the website of the school where I'll be teaching...

If you're curious, check it out!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


A big old storm is rolling into KC right now! There is nothing like a summer storm. Just got off the phone with an OLD friend. This lovely gal I have known since before I can remember. While were far apart, and soon to be even farther, it's good to hear and see that we can still have a great convo and catch up on life changes! I'm super proud of her and everything she's doing :) Med school, Africa, long distance relationships....all things to be admired. Speaking of OLD friends, props to P and her band for a killer show here in KC. She is also another one of my old school pals doing fantastic things. I'm proud to wear her band's t.

Just got back from a trip to South Dakota. My uncle has a cabin on the Missouri River. For those in KC, it's not like it is down here. Up there it is clean, clear, and natural...full of wildlife and vigor. It's the best place I know for some secluded sunbathing and good times with family. It was great to see all the relations. Cousins, great aunts, uncles, and everything in between. The kids are no longer kids and it's fun to sit and chat with lovely young men and women that i am proud to be related to!

Saw my great-aunts, Erma and Ardell. Everytime I see them i realize how amazing they are. Strong, poised, honest, full of faith and wisdom, funny, and kind. I feel honored to be a part of their family. They truly are matriarchs in the best way. They sent me off with well wishes for my new adventure in Colombia and offered up many prayers for my safety and happiness. I'm not a religious person, but knowing that these ladies are sending out prayers for me gives me SO MUCH comfort! I'll be excited to see them in a few years and show them what their prayers have done for me.

So, now I'm back in KC. Finally got my contract for the school and some much needed paperwork, so will be making my appointment for a trip to Chicago. I have to apply for my Colombian Visa in person and the closest consulate is there. I'm a little nervous cause everytime I call up to double check that I have all the needed paperwork, it changes...not to mention the levels of English at the consulate are varying and my Spanish sucks! I guess I should get to used to the frustration of struggling with a language barrier. Hopefully by this time next year I'll be on my way to fluency! Going in to finish up my through the yellow fever and MMR one just fine, but still have another round of bombardments. Also heard that the 3rd leading cause of death in the US are doctors. Doesn't give me a lot of confindence in the medical world...ah well, gotta get them anyway!

Dad and step-mom got me a new laptop for my trip, so will hopefully be entering in these posts more often cause now I've got internet at the apartment. :)

Overall, things are good. I have a little under a month before the move, so will be busy busy busy...


Saturday, May 31, 2008

Work out

I love summer because I actually can commit a decent amount of time every day to working out. In college, I was a gym buff...there all the time, attending free classes, running the track, swimming in the pool...which is important to me cause I've been blessed with strong German traits: blonde hair, blue eyes, big hips, big booty, etc. and in order to keep all of those in check, I've got to have some sort of daily exercise. Running around after 5th graders is great, but there is nothing like going to the gym and sweating hard! You get to spend some quiet time with your favorite music, zone out on whatever topic you choose, and sweat through your t-shirt. It also makes me happier, more confident, more strong. I don't know what the work out situation will be down south, but I am definitely going to enjoy it for these two months!

So it was finally hot these past few days. Haven't turned on the air, but the celing fans are going and my wardrobe has decreased in number and size to accomodate for the warm air. It's nice to hop into the shower after a hot day and then crawl into the cool sheets of my bed! A definite plus of summer time!

Found this poem, loved it, though I'd share it:

In Praise of My Bed
Meredith Holmes

At last I can be with you!
The grinding hours
since I left your side!
The labor of being fully human,
working my opposable thumb,
talking, and walking upright.
Now I have unclasped
unzipped, stepped out of,
Husked, soft, a be-er only,
I do nothing, but point
my bare feet ito your
clean smoothness
feel your quiet strength
the whole length of my body.
I close my eyes, hear myself
moan, so grateful to be held in this way.

I'll be sad to give up my bed...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The end...

So I have started this blog as an attempt to document my experience abroad. Granted, I have 2 months (almost to the day) before I leave for Colombia, but the action will start VERY soon. I have been putting many of the preparations on the back burner. Currently am teaching and the end of the year is always loco, nevermind the fact that I have to totally pack up my classroom and my life! But, tomorrow is the last day of school here in the States for a couple years, so I have decided to sit back and enjoy it...

Thinking about it now makes me tear up a bit. I don't have kids and don't want them (yet!), but I feel like these young men and women I have been spending most of my waking hours with are my kids! I can't even fathom what love must feel like for a biological kid...Anyway, will miss the school and staff and community terribly. So much so that I can't really put it into words. I'm not even gonna try. I know the decision to teach abroad is the right one, but it doesn't make the goodbye any easier. Got some really nice letters from my kids and fellow staff members. Being 5th graders, it's hard to get them to open up, but re-reading them tonight made me feel good about what I have done these past 3 years and I know the kudos are coming from an honest and pure source...It is nice to hear it from the students themselves. Blah--enough of that!

So, if you're reading this, you've probably received a mass email from me inviting you to keep up with what I do over the next few years. A little self indulgent, I admit. However, I enjoy reading my long lost friends' blogs'---thought you all might, too! It's also a way for me to keep in contact (very passive contact) with people. I suck at making phone calls, sending emails, writing letters, etc., so this will be a way to let you all know that:
1. I think about you often
2. I am having fun
3. I have not been kidnapped by the Cartel

So, welcome to my first blog. It will be a blog of beginnings...HOW EXCITING!

Oh yeah, the school I am teaching in is located in an area of Medellin, Colombia known as "El Alto de las Palmas"...hence the title!
